Thursday, October 31, 2013

First commute

I did my first commute on the new (old) bike last week. This is what I had waiting for me at 6:45AM on Halloween!

Yup, dark.

Not scary at all. Actually the scariest thing about the ride is the sound of big truck air brakes hissing behind me!
Here comes the sun

 The gravel was in great shape. It was packed pretty good and almost like asphalt with a few washboard sections here and there. The ride was 13 miles each way. It is not a bad commute. I saw a handful of deer and a bat that was on the ground. Not sure what he was doing there but pretty cool.

The bike rode really well. Actually, I am pretty surprised at how well this old bike rides. The issues are minor. The seat was pointing too far down in the front and as a result I kept pushing myself up with the handle bars. That is a quick fix. The only other issue is that the gears are pretty steep! Best fix there is to strengthen my legs...

Of course I have plenty of upgrades to do but it is pretty fun riding as is for now.

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